Can Dental Implants Cause Cancer?  

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In this blog post we will look more deeply into the connection between implant dentistry and the question “Can dental implants cause cancer”.

Dental implants in Turkey have revolutionized modern dentistry, offering a long-term solution for individuals missing one or more teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth.

Bone loss, oral tumors and other clinical cases of cancer are sometimes associated with implants. Cancer is a complex disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. It can affect various parts of the body and is often associated with genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Link Between Dental Implants and Cancer

The potential link between dental implants and cancer has been a topic of debate and concern among patients and healthcare professionals. While some studies suggest a possible association, the overall evidence remains inconclusive.

Here is a systematic review of possible case reports for the connection between dental implants and cancer:

  • Material Composition: Dental implants are typically made from materials like titanium or zirconia, which are considered biocompatible. However, concerns have been raised about the possibility of these materials triggering inflammatory responses in the body, which could theoretically contribute to cancer development.
  • Chronic Inflammation: Some researchers suggest that chronic inflammation caused by factors like poor oral hygiene or peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implant) could potentially increase the risk of cancer. Prolonged inflammation is known to be a contributing factor to various diseases, including cancer.
  • Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC): Certain studies have reported a slightly elevated risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in individuals with dental implants, particularly in cases where the implants are placed in the posterior region of the mouth. However, the overall consensus is that the risk remains relatively low, and more research is needed to establish a definitive connection.
  • Conflicting Evidence: It’s important to note that not all studies have found a significant association between dental implants and cancer. Some research suggests that dental implants have no substantial impact on cancer risk, emphasizing the need for further investigation and larger-scale studies to draw conclusive findings.
  • Individual Factors: It’s essential to consider individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits (like smoking), and overall health status when assessing the potential risk of cancer in individuals with dental implants. These factors can play a significant role in cancer development independent of dental implant placement.

Cancer Types connected to Dental Implants

  • OSCC: Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of oral cancer and has been the focus of several studies investigating its potential association with dental implants. While some research suggests a slight increase in the risk of OSCC in individuals with dental implants, the overall evidence remains inconclusive.
  • Other Oral Cancers: Besides oral squamous cell carcinoma, other types of oral cancers, such as oral adenocarcinoma or oral melanoma, have also been considered in studies examining the relationship between dental implants and cancer. However, similar to OSCC, the evidence supporting a direct link is limited.
  • Head and Neck Cancers: Some studies have explored the broader category of head and neck cancers concerning dental implants. This includes cancers affecting the lips, tongue, throat, and other areas within the head and neck region. While certain risk factors may overlap with oral cancers, more research is needed to establish a clear connection.
  • Bone Cancer: Given that dental implants involve the placement of artificial structures within the jawbone, concerns have been raised about the potential risk of bone cancer. However, there is currently insufficient evidence to support a causal link between dental implants and bone cancer.
  • Implant-Associated Lesions: In addition to specific types of cancer, researchers have investigated the occurrence of implant-associated lesions, such as peri-implantitis or mucositis, in individuals with dental implants. While these lesions are not cancerous themselves, chronic inflammation and tissue changes may raise concerns about cancer development in the surrounding tissues.

Prevention and Precautions

Maintaining good oral hygiene and having regular dental check-ups are crucial for preventing complications associated with dental implants. Patients should follow their dentist’s instructions for post-surgery care to minimize the risk of infection and other complications.

Patients considering dental implants should also consult with qualified dental professionals to assess their individual risk factors and determine the most suitable treatment plan. Dentists can provide personalized recommendations based on the patient’s oral health status and medical history.


Dental experts emphasize the overall safety and efficacy of dental implants for replacing missing teeth. While there may be some inherent risks, the benefits of dental implants far outweigh the potential drawbacks for most patients.

In conclusion, while concerns regarding the link between dental implant failure and cancer exist, the evidence supporting such a connection remains inconclusive. Patients should consult with their dentists to assess their individual risk factors and make informed decisions about their dental health.

If you are looking to enhance your quality of life and to get a dental treatment in Turkey, contact Cosmedica Dental. The dentist of our dental clinic in Turkey will tell you everything about the success rate of our treatments.


Can dental implants increase the risk of oral cancer?
While some studies suggest a possible association, the overall evidence is not statistically significant.
It’s essential to attend regular dental check-ups as recommended by your dentist to monitor the health of your implants and overall oral health.
Yes, alternative options for missing bone tissue include traditional dentures and dental bridges. However, dental implants are often considered the gold standard for tooth replacement due to their durability and stability.