Gum transplantation in Turkey  

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The health of our gums plays a crucial role in the general well-being of our teeth. However, many people suffer from receding gums, which not only causes aesthetic problems but also health problems. An effective solution to this problem is gum transplantation.

Clinics all around the world like the dental clinic in Turkey Cosmedica Dental offer this procedure. In this article, we will tell you about the types of gum transplantation in Turkey.

What is gum transplantation?

A gum transplantation or a gum graft, is a surgical procedure. Dentists use this graft to restore receding gums. The gums can recede for various reasons, such as aggressive brushing or diseases.

Dental surgeons in periodontics often perform this procedure. This is a field of dentistry that deals with the gum area and the supporting structures of the teeth.

What is the gum grafting procedure?

The tissue is usually taken from the roof of the mouth and transplanted to the affected area. Also, this tissue from the roof of the mouth is taken under local anesthesia.

The main purpose of this procedure is to cover exposed roots. Other reasons are to strengthen the gum line and reduce the risk of further gum recession around the tooth. However, healing can take up to several weeks.

There are various techniques of gum grafting, including free mucous membrane graft, connective tissue graft and advanced flap technique. The choice of technique depends on the individual situation of the patient and the dentist’s assessment. The price of gum grafting in Turkey also depends on the situation.

When is a gum graft needed?

A gum graft is considered in several different situations:

  • Receding gums: One of the most common reasons for a gum graft is receding gums (gingival recession). This is when the gums recede from the teeth, causing the sensitive tooth roots to become exposed. This can lead to increased sensitivity, aesthetic concerns, and an increased risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
  • Tooth sensitivity: Exposed tooth roots can be sensitive to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. A graft can help reduce this sensitivity by re-covering the roots with healthy gum tissue.
  • Preventing receding gums: In cases where the risk of further gum recession is high, a graft can help. This prevents further loss and the need for artificial teeth.
  • Aesthetic reasons: Many people choose to have a gum graft for aesthetic reasons. An uneven gum line or exposed roots can affect the smile. A graft can help restore a more even, natural appearance to the gums.
  • Periodontal gum disease: In advanced periodontal disease, the gums can become so damaged that they recede. A graft in these cases can be part of a comprehensive treatment to improve the condition of the gums.

What types of gum grafts are there?

There are several different types of gum grafts. These are used depending on the specific needs of the patient and the condition of the gums. Therefore, the three main types are:

Connective Tissue Graft

The connective tissue graft is the most commonly used method to treat receding gums.

This technique involves taking a piece of connective tissue from the superficial layer of the roof of the mouth (palate). This tissue is then transplanted to the affected area on the gums, where it covers the exposed root tissue. After that, the transplanted tissue eventually grows together with the surrounding gums.


  • Good success rate
  • Little post-operative pain on the palate

Free Gingival Graft

In this method, a piece of tissue is taken directly from the surface of the palate. Unlike the connective tissue graft, the removed tissue also contains a layer of superficial mucosa.


  • Particularly suitable for patients with thin gums or in cases where a larger area needs to be covered


  • Can lead to more pain on the palate
  • The aesthetic result can sometimes look less natural than with other methods

Pedicle Graft

In the Pedicle Graft technique, no additional tissue is taken from the palate. Instead, the tissue is moved to cover the exposed tooth root area. Consequently, this tissue remains connected to its original blood supply, which promotes healing.


  • No additional pain at the donor site
  • Good chances of healing as the tissue continues to be supplied with blood


  • This method is only applicable if there is sufficient healthy gum tissue near the affected area

Why should you choose Cosmedica Dental in Turkey?

Turkey has become a leading location for dental treatments in recent years. Cosmedica Dental is one of the clinics that stand out in this field. Here are some reasons why patients from all over the world choose this clinic for their gum transplant:

  • Experienced specialists
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Excellent service
  • Tourism and recreation


In summary, a gum transplant at Cosmedica Dental in Turkey is an excellent option for patients suffering from receding gums. The clinic offers everything needed for a successful and stress-free treatment.

In addition, the combination of medical care and tourist experiences makes staying in Turkey particularly attractive. If you are thinking about a gum transplant, Cosmedica Dental could be the right choice for you.

The right dental treatment and oral health are just as important as regular dental visits! If you have any further questions about gum transplantation, contact our highly qualified team directly. Book a free online consultation, we will be happy to help you!