Bone Graft for the Jaw 

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We would all love to have our natural teeth forever, but that is not a reality for most people. You may have had a tooth extracted and need it to be replaced. Whether you are getting dentures or dental implants to replace the missing teeth, you need to have excellent jaw bone health for these solutions to work.

That is where the bone graft for the jaw comes in. Let’s answer a few questions about what bone grafting is, how bone substitution works, and what bone grafts include in the article below.

What is Bone Graft for the Jaw?

A dental bone graft is a surgical procedure that is done to reinforce the integrity of the natural bone in the jaw. It is usually done prior to dental implant treatment, after tooth loss, or gum diseases that compromise jaw bone health.

The goal of bone grafts for dental implants is to add density, volume, or both in the jaw where extensive bone loss has occurred. Bone density and volume can be achieved using human tissue, synthetic material, or animal tissue. The bone graft material and amount of bone graft will depend on the results desired and the level of bone degradation.

How is Bone Grafting Done?

This procedure is quite technical; only a certified dental surgeon or qualified specialists should perform it. This is what you can expect during a dental bone graft:

  1. Your vital signs will be taken, and you will be given local anesthesia.
  2. As the medication is kicking in, the dental surgeon will sanitize the surgical implant site.
  3. The specialist will make an incision to separate the gum tissue from the bone where the graft is needed.
  4. The bone graft material will be placed between these two sections, and they will be secured using screws or a dissolvable adhesive.
  5. The incision will start to heal and, in time, promote bone growth.

Which Grafts Can Be Used?

There are four main types of jaw grafts that can be utilized. These include:


This involves using a graft made from your own bones, which can be harvested from your hips, jaw, chin, or skull. The advantage of autographs is that they contain living cells, which promote faster healing. On the downside, you will have to undergo another procedure to harvest the healthy bone.

Xenogenic Grafts

These grafts are taken from a non-living bone of other species, especially cows and pigs. They are processed at high temperatures to lower the chances of rejection and contamination.


These involve using dead bones harvested from a different person, usually a cadaver. Allogenic bones do not contain live cells and can only act as a scaffold for the surrounding bones to grow.


These purely use synthetic material like Bioglass and calcium phosphate. They form a strong foundation that encourages bone tissue growth.

Types of Bone Grafts

After the consultation, your surgeon will choose which bone graft surgery suits your case. The main four types include:

Socket Preservation

After you have a tooth extracted, the sockets will begin to collapse into the void left. This will hinder a successful dental implant or denture procedure in the future. A socket graft is done immediately after tooth extraction to avoid further jaw decline.

Sinus Lift

If a socket graft is not done immediately, especially on the upper jaw, then the sinuses can drop to occupy the void. That is why this lift is necessary before implants are put in. The surgeon will place the sinuses back to their original position during a sinus lift and then perform the upper jaw graft.

Ridge Augmentation

This bone graft for the jaw is done if there is substantial bone loss and the jawbone is significantly thinner. This augmentation helps to create volume and width that form a better foundation for implants and dentures.

Periodontal Graft

Oral infections can cause tooth loss or gum disease, which eventually leads to loose teeth. When a periodontal graft is done, the loose teeth get less mobility and better support.

What Should You Do Before Your Jaw Bone Graft

You should refrain from eating a day before your bone graft surgery and only drink water for the 12 hours before the procedure. Avoid any medications, such as blood thinners that may lead to complications, as your oral surgeon advises. Prepare comfortable clothing for the day of the surgery. Organize for a family member or friend to pick you up after the procedure because the anesthesia takes a while to wear off.

How Does Recovery Look-Like After This Surgery?

During this jaw surgical procedure, you will be under local anesthesia, and you won’t feel any pain. Afterward, some gauze will be placed on the incision, and you will be given antibiotics and pain relievers.

You will be instructed on how to care for the incisions and change the dressing. Some of the usual aftercare instructions include eating soft foods, sleeping with your head raised above your chest, and applying an ice pack on the swollen part.

Some minor swelling and bruising is normal. Your jaw will continue to recover over the next few weeks, with full recovery expected after a few months.

What are the Advantages and Limitations of This Grafting?

The main advantage of this graft is that it promotes bone growth and gives a solid foundation for dental implants long term. Your gum tissue will need to fully heal prior to dental implant placement. The different types of jaw grafts enable people who have lost their natural teeth and do not have a healthy bone to support an implant.

Are there any limitations associated with these bone grafts procedures? Most of these surgeries are unproblematic and successful. However, there are some limitations, like graft rejection, heavy bleeding, anesthesia complications, and nerve damage. Some people are more prone to these limitations than others.

Every bone in the jaw is important, especially during dental implantation. These bone grafts procedures allow bone tissue to regrow and become more stable.

If you have questions regarding bone grafts or other procedures, feel free to contact out dental clinic in Turkey – Cosmedica Dental – directly.