Symptoms of a dental abscess

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We are an international team dedicated to providing the best dental care on the market and to informing and educating people around the world about restorative and cosmetic dentistry.
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Dental abscess is a fairly common and often benign oral condition, but it can potentially become serious. Very many people suffer each year from abscessed teeth, mainly characterized by pain and swelling. In this article Cosmedica offers you a complete guide to the causes and treatments of an abscess.

What is a dental abscess?

Dental abscess is a rather painful bacterial infection that affects the oral region. It is manifested by the accumulation of pus between the tooth and the gum, in a tight tissue pocket. An abscess is a pocket of pus which is linked to an immune reaction of the body, following the bacterial infection of the dental pulp (tissue contained in the tooth and containing the nerves and blood vessels).

There are two types of abscess (the most common) that are distinguished according to where they develop:

  • Periapical abscess: this is the most common form of abscess, which develops at the top of the tooth root (also called apex). It is often the consequence of an infection spreading from the dental pulp to the root of the tooth.
  • Periodontal abscess: it appears in the soft tissues (gum), at the base of the tooth and is often the consequence of a gingival pathology, a dental trauma or an accumulation of food between the gum and the tooth creating an environment conducive to the bacterial growth. Characterized by an accumulation of pus in a pocket formed at the root of the tooth or in the space between the tooth and the gum, this dental condition is both common and potentially serious if left untreated.

What causes a mouth abscess?

Although very widespread and frequent, the dental abscess must be apprehended with the greatest attention and be treated quickly and effectively. Its appearance can be due to several elements:

  • Poor oral hygiene: brushing your teeth inappropriate or infrequent gives bacteria located in the mouth the opportunity to multiply and attack the dental pulp resulting in the formation of an abscess.
  • An untreated cavity is probably the most common cause of the appearance of an abscess. Indeed, the enamel and dentin are destroyed by tooth decay, which exposes the dental pulp to bacterial infection.
  • Dental trauma (accident, fall or shock) with or without tooth fracture can also expose the dental pulp to bacterial infiltration.
  • Improperly performed dental treatment can also be a cause of dental abscess. A poorly placed filling or an insufficiently cleaned root canal can leave a space for bacteria to settle in and grow.
  • The appearance of wisdom teeth, especially if they are impacted or poorly positioned, can also lead to a dental abscess. These teeth can create spaces that are difficult to clean, allowing bacteria to build up and cause infection.
  • Gum diseases and a weakened immune system could also cause a dental abscess.

What are the symptoms of a dental abscess?

The symptoms of a dental abscess are very often recognizable and characteristic. These symptoms are the result of infection and inflammation affecting the affected area.

  • Severe and persistent dental pain, often described by patients as throbbing, throbbing or deep pain. This pain intensifies with pressure, when you chew or clench your teeth, and tends to radiate to other areas such as the head, jaw or ear.
  • Bad breath: Pus accumulated due to infection can cause bad breath in patients with tooth abscess. It is normally accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth.
  • Impairment of general condition, with fever, chills, feeling unwell and fatigue may also result from the infection. This is how the immune system defends itself to try to fight off the bacteria present.
  • Swelling of the cheek and gums can also be observed in case of dental abscess. The inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissues, resulting in more or less visible swelling.
  • Significant sensitivity to cold and heat is also seen in patients with an abscess. This is also due to the exposure of the pulp of the tooth, as well as the nerve contained in it.

It is important to note that an abscess automatically requires treatment and a medical consultation. If you have any of these symptoms, we recommend that you consult a dentist quickly to assess the situation and begin appropriate treatment.

What to do to cure a dental abscess?

As we have seen, the management of an abscess must be carried out by an oral health professional. He will be able to confirm the diagnosis and offer you the appropriate treatment (drainage of pus, treatment of infection) by trying as much as possible to keep the affected tooth (if it is not too damaged).

The best thing you could do, is going to an emergency room of a dental clinic, event though an abscess may not be life threatening.

How to relieve a dental abscess?

If you want temporary pain relief while waiting for a dental appointment, you can use salt water mouthwashes throughout the day to help ease your pain.

Applying ice to the cheek (still wrapped in a cloth) will also partially relieve your pain. Apply for 20 minutes, several times a day.

What does the specialist do when treating an abscess in the mouth?

Depending on the location and severity of your abscess, he can perform:

  • Drainage of an abscess accessible via an incision, and disinfection with antiseptic.
  • In the event of a very deep abscess or one that is difficult to access, the dentist performs a root canal treatment, removing the infected pulp. The tooth is sometimes preserved but in some cases it must be extracted.
  • Most often, the dentist prescribes an antibiotic treatment to fight against the bacterial infection. If the pain is very severe, he will also prescribe anti-inflammatories or analgesics.

Why contact Cosmedica Dental?

Cosmedica Dental is the reference dental clinic in Türkiye. She offers personalized and high quality dental care to her patients, all in a comfortable, secure and personalized environment.

Cosmedica is committed to the oral health of its patients, by performing:

  • dental implants (in the event of a tooth being extracted following an abscess, for example),
  • veneers and lumineers,
  • as well as many other dental treatments.

Whether you are facing the consequences of a dental abscess or any other dental problem, we are here to help you regain good oral health and a radiant smile.