How many teeth do humans have?  

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In this post

The number of teeth a person has varies over the course of their life. This blog post highlights the different phases of tooth development. We answer the question of how many teeth do humans have and tell interesting facts about the teeth.

The primary teeth - the first set of teeth

A newborn baby is born without visible teeth. But from the sixth month of life, the milk teeth start to break through.

The milk teeth consist of a total of 20 teeth:

  • 8 incisors (4 top, 4 bottom)
  • 4 canine teeth (2 top, 2 bottom)
  • 8 molars (4 top, 4 bottom)

These teeth are smaller and lighter than the permanent teeth. They play a role in tearing food into smaller pieces, grinding food, speaking and as placeholders for the permanent teeth.

The milk teeth break through in a specific order:

  1. Lower central incisors: approx. 6–10 months
  2. Upper central incisors: approx. 8–12 months
  3. Lateral incisors: approx. 9–16 months
  4. Canines: approx. 16–22 months
  5. Molars: approx. 13–26 months

The permanent teeth – the second generation of teeth

The change from milk teeth to permanent teeth begins around the age of six. This process continues until young adulthood, when the last wisdom teeth break through.

A complete permanent set of adult teeth includes 32 adult teeth:

  • 8 incisors (4 upper, 4 lower)
  • 4 canines (2 upper, 2 lower)
  • 8 premolars or small molars (4 upper, 4 lower)
  • 12 molars or large molars (6 upper, 6 lower), including wisdom teeth

The change of teeth takes place gradually:

  1. First permanent molars (“six-year molars”): approx. 6 years
  2. Lower and upper central incisors: approx. 6–7 years
  3. Lateral incisors: approx. 7–8 years
  4. First premolars: approx. 9–11 years
  5. Second premolars: approx. 10–12 years
  6. Second set of molars (“twelve-year molars”): approx. 11–13 years
  7. Wisdom teeth: approx. 17–25 years

Variations in the number of teeth

Not everyone has 32 teeth, there are various reasons why the number can vary:

  • Agenesis: Some people are born without wisdom teeth or other permanent teeth. The most common form is the absence of wisdom teeth, which means that wisdom teeth are not present. Accordingly, hypodontia is a lack of teeth.
  • Tooth removal: A person can loose teeth because of tooth decay, caries, periodontitis, gum disease or accidents. Orthodontic treatments and dental health problems also sometimes lead to wisdom teeth removal.
  • Supernumerary teeth: In rare cases, extra teeth appear that can affect the dentition. This is called hyperdontia. For the human dentition, this means that there are more than 20 teeth in the milk teeth or more than 32 teeth in the permanent teeth.
  • Dentures: After tooth loss, you can replace missing front teeth with crowns, bridges or dentures. Dental implants in Turkey do not change the number of teeth, but they can restore your beautiful smile. These artificial chewing surfaces are a good alternative for your oral health.

Taking care of your teeth

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to prevent plaque and cavities.
  2. Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between teeth.
  3. Schedule regular dental visits, ideally every six months.
  4. Encourage a healthy diet to prevent tooth damage. Reduce consumption of sugar and acidic foods.
  5. Mouthwashes can aid dental care, especially if you have gum problems.

Interesting facts about teeth

  • Teeth consist of strong enamel (hardest tissue in the human body), but it can be attacked by acids.
  • Each tooth is unique – even identical twins have different tooth marks.
  • Teeth do not regenerate – Once lost or damaged, teeth cannot grow back on their own.
  • Wisdom teeth are leftovers from evolution – Our ancestors needed them to chew hard foods like roots.
  • On average, people spend 38 days of their lives brushing their teeth.

Conclusion - How many teeth do humans have?

A person has between 20 and 32 teeth over the course of their life. The exact number depends on the development phase and individual factors. Do you have questions about pointed teeth? Contact our dental clinic in Turkey Cosmedica Dental!

Frequently asked questions

Are milk teeth just as important as permanent teeth?
Milk teeth are important because they make room for the permanent teeth. If a child looses them too early, the neighboring teeth can migrate into the gap. This can cause problems in the permanent teeth. Baby teeth also help with jaw growth, cutting food and pronunciation.

Some people even have genes, that prevent wisdom teeth from developing. About 20-35% of people worldwide don’t have wisdom teeth.